Thursday, April 10, 2014

history paper

Grace Heck

April 10th 2014


2 page paper
I Wanna be a Cowboy

    Out in the middle of Tennessee lived two little kids and their parents. Andy was 12 
years-old and loved playing guitar, and acting like a cowboy. "Andy can you please  
STOP? My ears are ringing from that horrible singing and guitar music." Screamed 4 
year-old Macy over the loud off tune music.  "But I wanna play and isn't this a free 
country because last time I checked it was." "I'm gonna tell mo that if you don't stop 
and that you don't deserve to live on a ranch in Texas with tons of cattle." Amy pouted. "I  
won't stop". Demanded Andy. "Oh yes you will. Mom!" Amy ran  off screaming. "Andy 
won't stop playing his stupid guitar and you know what I wish I wasn't related to him. I 
think if I was you I wouldn't let him live on a ranch in Texas with  tons of cattle and I 
would also ground him for the rest of his life!" "Honey you need to calm down and 
apologize to your brother. Do you understand?" "NO I DON'T WANT TO 
 UNDERSTAND!" "Honey I want you to go to your room and think about what you just 
said and come out when you are all calmed down." Said Susan(the kids mom). Off  went 
Macy who was crying to her room. Macy had cried herself to sleep and was in her room 
for six hours her mom eventually decided to wake her up and ask her if she was ready to 
go apologize to Andy for what she did. She nodded and yawned and went to go 
 apologize for what she had done. Andy was debating whether or not to forgive her when 
 he saw his mom he decided to forgive her and went on with his day. When Andy grew 
up he moved to the Middle of Texas and owned a cattle ranch with millions of cattle and 
enjoyed seeing his sister on the ranch everyday when she comes to work with the horses.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Picture for Nathaniel's story...

The Poppyseed Story
by Nathaniel

“Ring-ring, ring-ring,” the telephone jangled. Old Mrs. Poppyseed slowly got out of her chair, put her book down and walked over to the phone.
“Hello?” she answered. “Who is it?”
“Your refrigerator broke down, the pizza burned and the ice-cream melted,” said the voice on the other end. Giggles quickly followed, then the phone went dead.
“Those little scoundrels!” Mrs. Poppyseed said. “I need some poppyseed muffins to revive me.” She took a muffin, sat down and started to read again. 
“Ring-ring, ring-ring,” the phone rang again.
“Oh, it must be Mr. Wiggleswort,” said Mrs. Poppyseed, “I’ve been waiting for his call to tell me if my story has been posted in the Daily Life magazine.” Hopefully she picked up the phone. “Hello?”
A silly voice came over the phone, talking fast. “Is this Hot Dog Time? I would like to order five hot-dogs, each with a speck of ketchup, pickles and mustard. Relish, too. And five large root beer floats with five scoops of ice-cream each. Put sprinkles on that. For free! Bye!” Giggles burst into her ear.
“You little whippersnappers!” Mrs. Poppyseed scolded. “You’re ruining my day!” But the phone was dead. “I need some poppyseed bread to revive me.” She sighed, ate some bread and sat back down in her comfy arm chair.
“Ring-ring, ring-ring.”
“Hello?” said Mrs. Poppyseed, her voice slightly on edge.
“Your house is about to blow up! Bye!” Peals of laughter rang in her ear.
“Aaaaaahhh!” she screamed. “Those little boys are so annoying! They’re ruining my day! I need some poppyseed cake to revive me.” She popped a piece of cake into her mouth and before she even got the chance to sit down, the telephone rang again.
“Ring-ring, ring-ring.”
She picked up the phone and screamed, “You little whippersnappers! You little scoundrels! I’m going to shove poppyseed pie in your mouth until it comes out your ears and...” She stopped to take a breath and heard a deep voice.
“Mrs. Poppyseed?”
“Mr. Wiggleswort?” came the shocked reply.
“I called to tell you that your story has been selected for publication in the Daily Life magazine.” It will be in the October issue. But I’m quite shocked by your screaming. Are you alright?”
“Yes,” came an out-of breath voice from Mrs. Poppyseed. “Good-bye.”
“Good-bye,” came the reply.
Mrs. Poppyseed sighed. “I’m so tired! I need some poppyseed crackers to revive me!” She took some crackers and hastily chewed them.
“Ring-ring, ring-ring.”
“Hello?” Mrs. Poppyseed said.
“A man-eating tiger, no, an OLD LADY-eating tiger escaped from the zoo and is coming to your house. You better run or it won’t be fun!” 

“Little boys,” said Mrs. Poppyseed. “You must come over for poppyseed cookies. My address is 387 Poppyseed Lane, Poppytown, NY. Be here at three o’clock. We’re celebrating because my story The Wonders of the Poppyseed will be published in next month’s issue of Daily Life. It’s all about how useful poppyseeds are and how they can revive you,” she said, popping some seeds into her mouth. “So come on over, don’t be shy. Bring your friends, we’ll have pie.” She hung up and sighed, “I must get ready for the crowd.”

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

WWII posters

This is the stuff women had to do to fill in the gaps or there husbands.

I could list millions more but it would take days, maybe months, maybe years.